Maybe it sounds impossible, but water is a very successful step you need to make if you are trying to lose weight. Your body consists of nearly 70% water, so the plentiful hydration is more than required. Our body will lose lots of water throughout the day, so we need to replace in properly. Water is the first and most important step in your weight-loss journey. Water will increase our metabolic process, which means we will be capable to burn calories faster, it cleanse your body of waste and acts as appetite suppressant. By consuming coffee, refined food such as processed oils, canned foods, carbonated drinks, our body gets acidic.Additionally, water decreases the acidic levels. It helps flush toxins from our body. Being dehydrated has real consequences: you’ll get sugar cravings, get afternoon headaches and feel tired. So what can you do to make sure you’re drinking the recommended 8 to 10 glasses per day to keep yourself hydrated and encourage weight loss?
HERE ARE SOME TIPS ON HOW YOU CAN DRINK MORE WATER: Have always a bottle of water with you. Have it wherever you go and drink at it during the day. Drinking a glass of water before every meal can reduce appetite.The feeling of fullness will help you eat less, thus consuming fewer calories for improved weight loss resultsStudies of older adults have shown that drinking water before each meal may increase weight loss by 2 kg over a 12-week period.In one study, middle-aged overweight and obese participants who drank water before each meal lost 44 percent more weight, compared to a group that did not drink more water.Drinking ice cold water helps boost your metabolism because your body has to work harder to warm the water up, therefore burning more calories and helping you to lose weight. Plus, ice cold water is just so much more refreshing than water that’s room temperature. It’s fine to use some flavors to your water, like lemons or limes. Cut them into the slice and put them in the bottle. Furthermore, you can include cucumber slices. It includes 96% water content and mineral balance. Cucumber can provide very similar hydration levels to twice the volume of water.
Other vegetables that can hydrate you more can be added too.If water is not your favorite, you can add some flavor of tea and drink it instead during the day.
Other vegetables that can hydrate you more can be added too.If water is not your favorite, you can add some flavor of tea and drink it instead during the day.
HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU’RE GETTING ENOUGH WATER?\A general rule is to check the toilet after you’ve gone to the bathroom. You’ll know you’re well hydrated if your urine is clear or very light yellow in color. The darker your urine, the more water you need to drink, especially if weight loss is your goal.A general rule is to check the toilet after you’ve gone to the bathroom. You’ll know you’re well hydrated if your urine is clear or very light yellow in color. The darker your urine, the more water you need to drink, especially if weight loss is your goal.